So, we’re on the brink of another heatwave sweeping the UK and although most of us love to enjoy the hot weather, our four-legged friends don’t always share our excitement. Did you know, dogs can be at risk from heatstroke from temperatures as low as 23C?
With that in mind, we wanted to give you all a few top tips on how to help keep your dog cool over the next week.
Walkies - with temperatures looking to soar into the low 30s from Thursday, think hard about walkies. Is your dog really going to mind missing a day? Chances are, probably not. Maybe you’re a mad Collie owner (like me) and missing a walkies just isn’t an option, that’s going to mean an early, shady walk. Try and go somewhere cool, first thing in the morning, even better if you can add a stream into the mix! Be sure to avoid road walks, especially in the evening. Pavements retain their heat for a long time, if the ground feels too hot for your hand, imagine how it would feel on your dogs paws.
Water - keep your dogs water bowl topped up at all times, you’ll find they will be wanting to drink a lot more in the hot weather, so make sure you’re topping it up more than usual.
Frozen treats - one kong + one frozen banana = one happy dog. A frozen treat for your dog in a kong (or alternative) is a great way to not only cool your dog, but give them some mental stimulation and help tire them out.
Stay away from the car - every dog owner should know to never leave dogs in hot cars, but also think about travel. Unless you’ve got air con circulating around your car, it’s probably best to keep them away from the car dring the heatwave. Dogs can get really warm in cars, even on short journeys.
Swimming - rain feels like a distant memory these days (don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll make a stunning return in the winter), without rain and movement in water, algae can build on the surface. If your dog drinks this water it could become very sick, or even die from the bacteria. So, although it sounds like a great idea to take your dog to your local reservoir or wild swimming location, a running shallow stream is a much safer option.
Cooling mats, towels and jackets - cooling mats and jackets are great, simply dunk them in cold water, ring out and place them on/under your dog. If you can’t get your hands on a mat or jacket, then try soaking a towel in cold water, ring it out and let your dog lay on that.
Paddling pools - they’re a great way for your dog to play and stay cool. Providing your local council hasn’t enforced a hose pipe ban, your dog will love a paddling pool! Be sure to keep the pool in a shaded area, and there’s no need to fill it to the brim either. Always supervise your dog whilst it’s playing.
That’s our top tips for keeping your dog cool during the heatwave, if you have any, we’d love to hear from you other on our social media pages!