Nellie Uses Collagen Following Devasting Eye Loss Resulting In A Beautiful Coat

Nellie Uses Collagen Following Devasting Eye Loss Resulting In A Beautiful Coat

After losing her eye following a dip in a canal and catching an infection, 11-year-old cocker spaniel Nellie is feeling like her old self again with a new glamourous hairstyle. The pampered pooch now sports a longer Gabrielle-style fringe over her missing eye while taking a traditional beauty supplement.

Owner Tracey Michell, 55, was determined to give her beloved pet the best chance possible at a happy life, and began searching for ways to allow her to make a full recovery.

Tracey also noticed that Nellie was slowing down a bit, and was struggling to keep up with nine-year-old spaniel Archie, her son, who also lives in the family home.

The retired healthcare worker, who lives in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, said: "It was absolutely devastating, it felt like it was happening to my child, but she adapted so well, and she now has her Gabrielle-style fringe. Nellie has always had a bit of hip dysplasia, and as she has aged I've started to notice that she was limp and hopped more after walks.

"I had started taking a collagen supplement for my health, so I thought I would get one for dogs, and try it with Nellie and Archie."

Tracey found Collar-gen by Pawable, the first collagen supplement for dogs on the market in the UK. She began feeding it to Nellie and Archie in their meals, and has been overjoyed with the results, particularly in older Nellie.

She added: "She has bounds of energy now, and the limping and hopping has stopped. They have always enjoyed their walks so much but this has really made a difference, they both have so much more energy and their coats look amazing.

"Recently Archie ran down a rabbit hole and injured his leg, so I just upped his dose of the collagen and now he's back to his best. I knew how much collagen had changed the way I felt, and I'm so glad that I tried it on the dogs because they are clearly feeling great too."


Buy collagen for dogs here